I decided to go back and read our first post and reconnect with why we started TwoLuLa in the first place. Carol wrote:
"Cynthia and I have
decided to embark on a journey to discover the creativity in our
friendship, in our lives, in our unique perspective on life as Christian
women in a Lutheran church, in the ordinariness of our days, and who
knows where that journey will lead us?
create. We both crochet. Cynthia gardens and dabbles in sketching.
She has even taken that step into learning more in an art class! I have
made jewelry. I love to write. Cynthia quilts. I dream of quilting.
I sew. Lately, I have been involved in making huge banners for our new
church worship space. We both collect books and specialty magazines.
And we have families – believe me child-raising and husband-pleasing
takes enormous amounts of creativity and perseverance and endurance.
And prayer. Lots and lots of prayer!
to refuse to allow life to get in the way of creativity, we have
decided to get together on a weekly or nearly-weekly basis to be
creative. To chat. To grow our friendship. And along the way, improve
our lives.
I hope something that we do inspires you, or at the very least, makes you smile or laugh with us."
I think we both still agree that its vital to find creative time in each day - be it crochet, knitting, sewing or needlework, drawing, painting, writing or photography, gardening, cooking or homemaking. Creativity takes so many, many forms! But whatever the form, it is rejuvenating to the spirit and calming to the body. And absolutely essential!
Carol and I have not done a good job at all with getting together on a weekly or even near weekly basis. This we must remedy! Children return to school in two weeks or so and I think we will, no, I know we must, begin our weekly visits again.
My first Wool Eater blanket. |
So what creative endeavors have I been occupied with? The summer months have definitely lessened my time spent crocheting. But I did start a new bavarian crochet (aka Wool Eater) blanket. The one I started a few months ago, which was intended as a blanket for a cousin's little girl ended up as a table topper in my home. While I loved the colors, I thought they were better suited to my dining room than for this little girl.
So here's my progress on blanket number two:
My plan is a bit of a rainbow effect. As you can see I am into the blues now. They will slowly turn to greens and then yellows. Looking at it I wish I had a better gradation of pinks and purples, but I was trying to work with the yarn I have and resist the temptation to buy more.
Some of the pinks and purples are the same as the first blanket. It was absolutely amazing the effect the rounds of blue had. The whole blanket just popped!
I have also been working on my son Daniel's blanket and am almost done crocheting the rows. I need to take some photos to post. Maybe tomorrow, if its sunny and I get new camera batteries.
Running with a meadow of butterflies and birds on one side of me and... |
a sweet little pond on the other. |
I find my time running to be so rejuvenating and spirit lifting. I am not mom nor wife nor daughter when I run. Just me, listening to music and being with me.