Hi there! I stumbled across your blog as I can no longer see my followers on my blog. I am just starting up my blog and have 3 faithful little followers and have done nothing to delete them - nor have they done anything to unfollow my blog. Today - all of a sudden - they have disappeared and as I went online to google search a solution your comment came up on a forum discussion when you were having a similar situation. I am hoping that you can email me back and let me know if/how the problem was resolved for you. Thanks for any insight! Have a blessed day Leigh
Hi! I just saw your comment. I have been away from my blog for awhile but am trying to get back into it. This problem with losing followers was soooo frustrating to Carol and I. I spent hours and hours searching the help forums and the internet looking for a solution. I tried whatever I found and nothing worked! Finally Carol and I copied the content of our original TwoLuLa blog onto a new address (twolula2.blogspot.com). We had to start all over building up followers. Then we both got very busy and stopped blogging for a bit. The missing followers problem was so discouraging. I hope you have found a solution by now! Best of luck!
Hi there! I stumbled across your blog as I can no longer see my followers on my blog. I am just starting up my blog and have 3 faithful little followers and have done nothing to delete them - nor have they done anything to unfollow my blog. Today - all of a sudden - they have disappeared and as I went online to google search a solution your comment came up on a forum discussion when you were having a similar situation. I am hoping that you can email me back and let me know if/how the problem was resolved for you. Thanks for any insight! Have a blessed day
Hi! I just saw your comment. I have been away from my blog for awhile but am trying to get back into it. This problem with losing followers was soooo frustrating to Carol and I. I spent hours and hours searching the help forums and the internet looking for a solution. I tried whatever I found and nothing worked! Finally Carol and I copied the content of our original TwoLuLa blog onto a new address (twolula2.blogspot.com). We had to start all over building up followers. Then we both got very busy and stopped blogging for a bit. The missing followers problem was so discouraging. I hope you have found a solution by now! Best of luck!